Friday, March 19, 2010

Ni poN lame, tapi aku ingat sentiase...

Atas satu peristiwa di waktu itu…..February 25, 2009 aku menulis ini buat mama.....

today….i wont say its bad…coz i wanna love each day of mine…dun wan to get any stress over it… but a bit “bitcHy2 thinGs had happened today…not really today…itS been a long TimE dat diz thinG had happened…buT i juSt keeP on siLence…i DuN wanna saY a thiNg…coz i never thinK daT im rigHt…and i duN thInK daT im GuiLty alsO…onLy those who reaLLy caRe 4 me knoe how i suffered so much on This thinGs..buT as i always be witH…my patience…and the perso that really noe me…Mama….i expressed everything to her BouT my feeLinG today…she seems sounded maD at me…coZ itS paRt of My mistaKes…wroNgly choosiNg someoNe thaT i shud be wiTh.(noT a boyfren ok).her voice was bit high…i just tolD her that i dun have anybody to tell this To…and she goT more calm..she said its Ok…just dO my best 4 myself…duN reAlly bother abouT anY baD barrieRs thaTs NoT sO imPortaNt 4 me To taKe noTe To…maMa is Bit haNgin wheN i toLd suMboDy has Underestimated me and that sumbody dUn really realize that “that suMbody” had wroNgly thiNk that sumone who “thaT sumbody”reAlly put the believe, betrayed “That sumboDy ” already..hahaha…i noe everybody get so confused now…its not really important.. i just wanna express my relief here…how I loVe my MotHer so mucH…i jusT geT my Mum’s message…aishaH texted me….
mama suRuh smayanG hajaT untuK lembutkaN hati die…

i feel so touched wiTh heR caRe…God noeS hoW i miss heR baDly now…no matter how mad she is tO me…she always gives her verY best tO make me feel better whenever i neeD heR…she might noT show it direcTly,buT i always can feel it till now…. mama, i TruLLy Love U…i dun even noE hOw i caN express my appreciation To U…(im listeninG to boyz 2 men,A sonG foR mama..)

mamA… i noE u duN liKe that suMbody did suCh bad thingS to uR daughTer..Me.

i noE u always wanna B wiTh me…

i Noe u want the besT foR me….

i noE u dun like ur DaughtEr to be tOtured emotionaLLy liKe wuT iM feeLing nOw towards “that suMboDy”..

its oK mum, i’ll be strOng…i’ll be patienT enuF to faCe iT..iF not, this wud’nt be happened tO me…its jusT My destinY…i noe i caN cope wiTh it mum…

whatever people say to me after diz, i’ll never taKe that as baD..i’ll take thaT as a way foR me tO be more patient…yes i wiLL mama..

coz i noe…i am on the right path…

leT it be mama…i wont bother it anymore..Allah noes it beTTer…

mama…i Noe u Love Me…and I loVe u Too..Too much , moRe thaN woRds can say…

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